A short note about all of my books…..I like a pun, a play on words if you will. The first two chapters of ‘A Threat From The Past’ are entitled ‘Dragon Sleighing’ and ‘A Tail of Humility’ respectively. I assure you, they’re both spelt correctly. To find out why, you’ll just have to read on. And that theme continues throughout the series. Enjoy!
A Threat From The Past (Book 1)

Can you be heroic and naive?
For one young man, the answer is yes, despite his magical birthright.
Blissfully unaware of what’s going on around him, for the most part Peter remains fully focused on blending in and keeping a low profile.
But fate and plain bad luck have other designs on him.
Not so bad, you might think. Until you discover the TRUTH!
Just like his friends, he is a… DRAGON!
Thrust into a life away from the underground dragon domain, disguised in a new, awkward human form in an effort to guide and protect humanity just like the rest of his race, all he has to do is uncover the diabolical deeds playing out around him.
With the help of his two young friends, a master mantra maker and a complete dragon stranger with more than a little history attached to him, will Peter manage to thwart the dark, devious scheme long in the planning?
Ever wondered how dragons use their supernatural gift to travel below ground at almost the speed of sound?
Want to know how they use magical mantras to transform their giant bodies into convincing human shapes?
Learn the true story of George and the Dragon, see if a prehistoric grudge turns into murderous revenge, and find out what to do if you meet a giant arachnid grinning at you when you’re wearing nothing but your smile.
Lose yourself in this unputdownable fantasy adventure NOW!
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A Chilling Revelation (Book 2)

Treachery from the sands of Egypt to the plains of Antarctica.
Following on from the harrowing events of ‘A Threat From The Past’ (Book 1), a new found friendship with the dragon king is forged.
Soon though, young and old alike are unwittingly drawn into a deadly plot, when a straight forward meeting with the monarch sees them helping an injured dragon agent, straight back from his mission in Antarctica with news of a devastating encounter with another ancient race.
Blackmail, intrigue, forbidden love interests, a near fatal mantra gone wrong, a highly charged rugby match in which Tank takes a beating, combined with enough laminium ball action to please dragons the world over, stretch the bonds of the dragons’ friendship like never before.
New friends and ancient enemies clash as the planet braces itself for one of the most outrageous attacks it has ever seen.
Lost secrets and untold lore come to light, while sinister forces attempt to steal much coveted magic.
Explosive exploits, interspersed with a chilly backdrop and unexpected danger at every turn, make for an action-packed, electrifying adventure.
An epic page turner not to be missed. Grab your copy NOW!
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A Twisted Prophecy (Book 3)

Hearts and minds ripped to shreds.
Amid turmoil surrounding devastating attacks across the world, the dragon domain faces the planet’s greatest fear: global terrorism by an unknown force of magic users.
Against this backdrop, and with Manson’s deadly scheme in full swing, events quickly turn from bad to worse.
An army of nagas controlled by the threat to their king, help the evil dragon storm the kingdom, capturing or destroying nearly everything in their way.
With no help on the horizon and the dragons below ground neutralised, how will the threat be stopped?
Can the briefest glimpse into the future turn the tide?
Will the white dragon turn out to be their saviour?
Or will a fierce lacrosse match prove to be the turning point for a rescue so unconventional, nobody could ever see it coming?
Lose the stress and instantly escape into a world packed full of dragons, hidden in plain sight.
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Earth’s Custodians (Book 4)

Good vs evil has never looked so prehistoric.
The world is teetering on the brink of destruction as dark, malevolent forces threaten to engulf it. Peter and the white dragon have been captured, and the king and his meagre militia are trapped behind enemy lines with no way out. Everything hinges on a chilling rescue attempt, deep in Antarctica.
Magical mischief making terrorises the planet’s surface as some of the friends are reunited for the very last time. With deaths on both sides, just who will be saved, and will the fate of the planet finally return to its righteous prehistoric protectors?
Is surrendering to Manson’s deadly army really the way to go? And is it possible to travel half way around the world in the blink of an eye?
Will a surprising decision by the dragon resistance’s leader help or hinder their assault on the capital?
Astounding allies and rampaging magical creatures are only surpassed by the family reunion from hell.
In a magical battle that will have global repercussions, everyone must give their all. But will it be enough?
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A Fiery Farewell (Book 5)

Captured, bereft of magic, allies dead, severely outnumbered, torn apart and about to be put to the sword, can the brave dragon and human heroes escape their inexplicable fate at the hands of a being that knows no mercy?
Will the arrival of a vengeful group of mythical beasts help or hinder their efforts?
Can two beings from different ages combine to aid them?
And will an unfortunate oversight cost THE greatest hero of them all dearly?
As tempers fray, secrets from the past catch up with the present, forcing key individuals to choose a side as history unfolds before them.
Delve into the nightmarish battle, feel the heartbreaking losses, experience the adrenaline fuelled highs and jaw dropping lows, and find out whether the White Dragon can win back the planet.
Check out this dragontastic rollercoaster ride of a book right now!
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Evil Endeavours (Book 6)

Evil is on the loose, while the planet still burns, leaving the crestfallen heroes little time to mourn their devastating losses in the aftermath of ‘A Fiery Farewell’
The rightful custodians of the dragon domain have retaken the capital at phenomenal cost, but pockets of resistance remain, fighting fiercely for their misshapen beliefs and a dark destiny.
Will a surprise appearance by a magical legend with ties to the past, help or hinder the hunt for the malign Manson and Earth?
With hellfire raining down on the seas around the British Isles and innocent civilians dying for fun, will a fight for the future at one of the world’s most iconic landmarks prove a turning point?
Death stalks the shadows, in the form of a hidden, trusty lieutenant, leading to a single question: will one of the friends pay with their life?
Cast out, his scheme in ruins, can the psychopathic dark dragon leader use magic in conjunction with a stolen, armed, nuclear submarine to exact the perfect revenge?
As luck and crucially, time run out, will Armageddon be avoided and the malevolent murderers thwarted?
Check out the penultimate volume in ‘The White Dragon Saga’ NOW!
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Earth’s End (Book 7)

With all life facing total annihilation and the world going to hell in a hand basket, can anything prevent the malevolent nuclear missile, fast closing in on Europe, from tearing it asunder?
Derived from a perfect prophet’s prediction, if THAT singular drop of blood is to be believed, one hero HAS to die! Who and how are all that remain.
Manson’s finale: ultimate revenge or karmic comeuppance?
Can Robin Hood’s bow and Billy the Kid’s guns help thwart the most menacing mother’s evil intentions?
What role will Fate, Luck and Time play in this, the curtain closing climax?
DEATH, LOVE, HOPE and TRAGEDY all vie to have the last say. Which will prevail, or will they all play their part?
In an epic show of supernatural defiance never before witnessed throughout the course of history, can a once a year legend thwart the laws of magic and turn back time in an attempt to undo epic evil? Not a rollercoaster ride… this time you get the full theme park. TWO WORDS… GET READY!
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Frozen To The Core
Evil personified finds itself captured and encased in ice, trapped beneath the harshest environment on the planet with absolutely no way out, until, that is, a chance encounter with an inquisitive member of an ancient race unlocks the key to escape.
Dastardly dark deeds set off a chain reaction that will have dire repercussions for the whole world as, against all odds, evil conquers good.
Can a psychotic leader’s twisted plan be stopped?
And will a mother’s love prevail?
Find out how the malevolence began in this bone chilling prequel.
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A Selfless Sacrifice
In a united world where peace flourishes, one land stands in the way of progress… Ahrensburg, ruled by a despotic dragon leader through fear, violence and intimidation. Can a diplomatic delegation reconcile dark with light and bring the whole planet under one umbrella?
There’s also the small matter of dragons being taken against their will and forced to do another’s bidding by an unusual species immune to magic. Can the king’s legendary protector combine with a librarian’s out-of-the-box thinking and a stunning golden dragon to beat the odds, thwart the threat and save the day?
As new friends face ruthless enemies that have designs on not only their bodies, but their minds as well, will an ancient mantra come to their rescue?
Treachery, intrigue and a bare faced lie from an unexpected source lead to gruesome negotiations the likes of which have never been seen before. Will a cold hearted, duplicitous, double-crossing dragon fire the opening salvo in a wicked and unwarranted war, or can virtue and the moral high ground turn things around at the very last moment?
Lose yourself in supernatural battles, breathtaking betrayal and see if unusual, ancient magic can save one being’s soul and, just maybe, the future.
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Christmas in Crisis

Ambushed in the run up to Christmas, Santa Claus finds HERself trapped and stripped of her power, held hostage by rogue magic users.
Three students and their tutor lead the charge to find her kidnappers, joined by an unconventional dragon agent trusted by the king.
Long held secrets threaten to reveal the true identity of Father Christmas. Will sharing a magical vow stem the tide of the revelations?
Can a dragon collective made up of students from across the globe, powered by a renowned warrior, save Christmas and keep alive all of humanity’s hopes and dreams?
As the magic fades and time runs out, adults and children alike get a glimpse of what the future holds without their cheery, big bellied, bearded saviour… a dark and turbulent planet thrown into despair, with faith, expectation and optimism all long since dead. Is this truly what awaits or can Fate be thwarted at the very last second?
Find out if the unwitting group of heroes with ties to the future can countermand such duplicity and deceitfulness and ask yourself: does the treachery extend much further than this?
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Forged in Fire, Cursed by Cold
Xususi have been revered throughout history for their potential to battle evil in the darkest of times. As a last resort, they were dispersed across space and time in preparation for a cataclysmic event.
One such being, a renowned weapon smith named Fu-ts’ang, is in the right place at the right time in the heart of ancient China, when outlaws ambush Song Jin, alone in the wild. Using his inherent dragon magic, he rescues the female, sparking their deep bond, and is quickly introduced to her father, Pan Xieren, a highly respected regional councillor. They strike a deal: Fu-ts’ang must forge the most magical of weapons, a supernatural blade that will either hand the enemy a huge advantage, or prove their undoing. But is there a more sinister undercurrent raging behind the scenes?
In a land where dragon desperados rule, corruption camouflages a conspiracy that might oust the king and his council.
In a tale of treachery, innocence, revenge, redemption and romance, will the dragon pair’s love inspire them to solve the mystery they’re caught up in, or will their idyllic future be dashed by the traitorous councillor?
As time runs out, ancient nefarious magic, with no remedy, encloses Fu-ts’ang’s soul. Can he exploit his last moments or will his incurable malady condemn his love, Song Jin?
Lines between friend and foe blur, whilst unlikely alliances are formed. Intent on revenge the cunning, duplicitous dragon councillor commits the ultimate act of betrayal.
Who will survive, and will the future hinge on what happens here in the past?
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